
DeVita AP Mini: Program "Help Against Poisoning" (General list of programs –No 7)

The poor state of health that occurs after receiving poor-quality food is popularly called poisoning. In fact, it is the body's reaction to enterobacteria or enteroviruses that live on such food. 
The source of infection can be
dirty hands,
infected trays for products in the store
These factors are exacerbated by insufficient heat treatment, as well as long-term bacteria storage. 
The "Help Against Poisoning" program helps the body to cope with the infection caused by enteroviruses and certain types of salmonella,
speeds up the recovery process,
reduces the likelihood of complications. 
Use the first day 4-5 times in a row to achieve a sustainable result. Then - 1-2 times daily, for 3-5 days. Alternate with the program "Total Drainage" and "Antivirus". Be sure to drink plenty of water.
 And for the best result, use a comprehensive approach from DEHolding, combining the use of DeVita devices and DeLixir products.

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