2nd Harmonization of the whole body, removal of pain and inflammation in Muscles and joints
If you suffer from
pain in the muscles and joints, you need to take action quickly. Usually joint
pain is associated with abnormal or heavy loads and lack of collagen. And pain
in the muscles also occurs after intense training and stretching.
All of these pains and
inflammations can be easily removed with the help of the endogenous DeVita BRT
bioresonance technology.
No matter what the reason: the advantage of BRT is
that it will help in all cases, harmonize the whole body, remove pain and
inflammation immediately in one session. Severe pain - after two or three
To enhance the effect
of DeVita BRT, you need to use it in conjunction with programs in DeVita Ritm
Mini and the DeLixir Collagen + Intelligent Cellular Supplement.
Method of application:
3 days in a row, 1 time a day, with the appropriate programs of the DeVita Ritm
Mini during the session:
- Joints without pain
- Joints without inflammation
- Healthy joints
- Recovery from injuries (one program before, one after the session)
For a long-term effect, it is recommended that you drink 1 dose of
DeLixir Collagen + daily in the evening after meals.
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