1. In and around the human body there are electromagnetic oscillations. These electromagnetic oscillations are superordinate to the biochemical processes and control them. Cell associations (symplasms) and organs oscillate in particular frequency ranges. An oscillation spectrum thus arises in the organism.
2. As well as the physiological electromagnetic oscillations, there are also pathological interfering oscillations in every person, caused for example by toxin loads, injuries, infections, incompletely cured diseases, iatrogenic damage.
3. The physiological and pathological oscillations together are referred to as the patient’s own oscillations.
4. The patient’s own oscillations can be picked up from the surface of the body (antenna effect) and conducted through a lead into a therapy device.
5. Therapy oscillations are made from the patient’s own oscillations with the aid of modern electronics, without adding other or technically generated frequencies.
6. The patient’s own oscillations transformed into therapy oscillations are fed back from the Devita BRT device to the patient’s body. The therapeutic effect does not take place in the therapy device but in the body of the patient himself.
7. The therapy oscillations cause a therapeutic effect in the patient’s body firstly by suppressing or reducing the pathological oscillations and secondly by exciting or strengthening the physiological oscillations.
8. The aim of bioresonance therapy is to reduce or eliminate the pathological oscillations and at the same time strengthen the physiological oscillations.
9. Improvements at the biophysical energy level are followed in time by an improvement in the biochemical processes in the direction of normalisation or healing.
10. The principal aim of bioresonance therapy is to activate the endogenous regulatory forces and free them of the interfering, pathological influences to the extent necessary for a return to a healthy state.