
Program DeVita AP Mini: Anti - Flu (General list of programs -No. 2)

Flu is a serious viral infection that affects people of any age. Every year up to 500 million people get sick with the flu. In severe influenza there are irreversible lesions of the cardiovascular system, respiratory tract, central nervous system.
As doctors say, the most terrible thing is not the flu itself, but its complications that arise from improper treatment.
The most common complication of this disease is pneumonia, meningitis, sinusitis, pericarditis. The danger is that many complications develop after the patient is better. He stops taking the necessary medicines, and the untreated infection attacks again the weakened organism.
The program "Anti-grippe" is aimed at the destruction of various strains of influenza viruses,
the removal of inflammatory manifestations,
as well as the neutralization of complications after the flu.
 And for the best result, use a comprehensive approach from DEHolding, combining the use of DeVita devices and DeLixir products.

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